JimmyRey Online Counselling Malaysia
JimmyRey Counselling provides both offline and online counselling in Malaysia. We provide our services to individuals, family and organisations. Our Counsellors are registered and licensed under the Malaysian Board of Counsellors and we are bound by the ethics code where we will conduct our sessions with utmost professionalism and confidentiality.
While mental health awareness is increasing here in the region, many are still skeptical and wary of the unfamiliar and the unknown. As many countries around this region are going towards developed nation status, stress and more burdens becomes inevitable. Actually it is a common practice for people in a developed nation to seek professional help. By seeking help, it eases your burdens and increases your productivity and you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour with your loved ones. What is the point of working hard if you are unable to have the peace of mind to enjoy your time with your loved ones? Therefore it is our aim to educate and dispel the stigma. Come, we invite you to journey with us.
What is Psychology, actually?
There are a lot of hype about Psychology these days. Many people often starts off their claims by “according to Psychologists”, or “Psychologists says this and says that” and “is it true that Psychologists can read people’s mind?” Appreciate the confidence, but really, Psychology is just the study of the human mind. Please do not be confused between the human mind and the brain – the brain is tangible, the mind is intangible. When a Neurosurgeon opens up a human skull in a procedure, he or she does not know the person’s memories, experiences and emotions even though the Neurosurgeon can see the brain.
A human mind is very subjective and interesting, it comprises thoughts, emotions and many more.
It determines how we think, behave, and react, judge others, our perceptions about the world and the environment we live in. Not one mind is the same as the other, everyone is unique. So, as you can begin to realize, the study of the human mind is very different from medicine because of this uniqueness. If you are into research, medicine is more of a quantitative research but Psychology is more qualitative.
Who are Psychologists and why are there so many different names and titles among them?
Well, Psychologists is the general term for experts who study the human mind just like Doctors in human body. Psychologists treats the mind while Doctors treats the physical body. Of course it branches out into many specialty field, some of them includes Industrial & Organisational Psychologists, Counselling Psychologists or Counsellors, Clinical Psychologists, Child Psychologists, Family & Marriage Counselling, Forensic Psychologists, Sports Psychologists, etc. It is just like the Doctor counterparts which branches of into Surgeons, Neurologists, Paediatricians, Oncologists, etc.
So, does that mean only “crazy” people or people with mental problems see Psychologists?
As a matter of fact, no. The reason why there are so many branches in Psychology is that it is applicable in our daily lives. Psychology is prevalent in every aspect of our lives. It is used in sales, marketing, advertising, sports, education, family, workplace, politics, healthcare and many more. As a general rule if anyone has a general problem like how to manage stress, having an anxiety disorder, depression symptoms, coping with the death of a loved one, relationship issues, sexual satisfaction with your partner, determining which course to study, starting a business, postpartum depression, you get it, the everyday stuff, you see a Counsellor or a Counselling Psychologist.
For a more serious mental health issues like Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Psychosis, etc, you will need to see a Clinical Psychologist or a Psychiatrist. The difference between a Clinical Psychologist and a Psychiatrist is that Psychiatrist can prescribe medications while Clinical Psychologists employs a more advance techniques to treat the mentally ill patients. Now, some would ask, can I see a Clinical Psychologist if I have common problems in life? The answer is yes, of course, and no, you are not “crazy” to have burdens, troubles, issues in your everyday lives. Let’s put it this way, when you have common cough, cold or fever, you go to a Doctor. When you have burdens in your lives which you could not figure out on your own, you seek a Counsellor.
Now, that the basics are out of the way, why is mental health awareness important?
Reason is simple, the statistics shows, not only in Malaysia, not only in Asia but the whole world, mental health is the primary health, economic and societal issue that has gone unchecked and are on the rise.

Of course some countries are better equipped than the others but it is still not enough. Mainly due to taboo and misconceptions of the public about addressing the challenges they are facing in life. An analogy would be, when you have bacterial infection. Yes, sometimes you do get healed on your own depending on your lifestyles and immune system. But when it gets worse, you need to see a Doctor to get antibiotics. Well, the same goes for your mental health. When you feel stressed, burdened or sad about something, you can sleep over it, talk to family or friends. Depending on the quality of the “advice” you get, you might or might not get better. But if symptoms persists, you need to seek professional Counsellors to help you get through. Remember, one must seek help in order to get help. Which help would you acknowledge?

Check out the original video here.
How does a Counsellor help?
A Counsellor or a Counselling Psychologist is trained in Psychological principles and techniques to apply it in our everyday lives. In other words Applied Psychology. Meaning, a Counsellor puts Psychological principles into practice. Issues that burdens the mind like how to manage stress, depression & anxiety, managing special needs school children, postpartum depression, etc. In Malaysia, Counsellors are governed and licensed by the Malaysian Board of Counsellors. The minimal requirement to become one is a Master’s degree. One goes through extensive training hours and are then certified and licensed by the Board in order to practice. Of course there are many self-proclaimed Counsellors or Psychologists. All you need to do to protect yourself is to just ask for the license.
What happens in a counselling session?
Offline sessions are normally conducted in a cozy, comfortable, private setting in Malaysia, or online counselling, whichever you preferred. The duration is normally around 50 minutes to an hour. The number of sessions required are often depending on the issue at hand. It is an exploration session where you and the Counsellor will talk about the issues that is burdening you. In the first session, you might feel a little awkward. Keep an open mind and be as comfortable as possible. Talk things through with the Counsellor. Be honest with your own feelings and thoughts and ask questions whenever in doubt.
Think of what you want to achieve out of the session. Perhaps a relief from burdens of life. Or a know-how on handling things. Or maybe just to get an idea on what is going on in your life.
Examples of life burdens which counselling can help
As parents, you might want to know how to manage your special needs school child. Being an employee, you might want to know how to manage your work stress. For a lover, you might want to know how to push the satisfaction level up a notch in your relationship. As a student, you might want to figure out what course to take and its career potentials. As the management of a company, you might want to know how to improve the productivity and the motivation level of your employees. The list goes on.
Come. You do not have to wait any longer, free your burdens now. Get an appointment, WhatsApp us by scanning the QR Code below.

Do not use WhatsApp? Contact us, we will communicate with you via email on what’s your preferred mode of communication.
JimmyRey Online Counselling Malaysia is available from anywhere in the world with good Internet connections. Counselling sessions can be conducted in English, Malay, Mandarin, and Cantonese language. Be seeing you.